Friday, January 25, 2013

The Changing Nature of the Threat ? 2013 ? Speaking of Security ...

By Azeem Aleem, Practice Lead ? RSA Advance Cyber Defense (EMEA)

Technology advancements are primarily meant to improve upon the quality of life. Unfortunately, it is also used as a tool for illegal activities. During the past 15 years organizations have undergone significant developments. The very nature of organizations has changed substantially as a result of rapid technological advancement, with a remarkable advancement in enterprise technology, which has created new opportunities for different business practices .These developments, coupled with the new dynamic concept of managing the global enterprise, and remarkable advancements in enterprise technology has created many new challenges to previously successful business practices.

I will be updating this blog with discussions and insight on threats affecting businesses. I will highlight cyber crime related activities and discuss remediation and preventive frameworks to prevent the escalation of a cyber crisis.

Cloud: The Definition and the Discipline?

In this post, I?d like to say a few things about Cloud Computing ? The advent of cloud computing is a direct result of such technological transformations. In the corporate sector, particularly the financial market, it is next to impossible for businesses not to come across the concept of cloud computing ??Implement Cloud to survive? has been the call you get these days from the media and industry experts.

There is no denying the benefits, but very few studies to date have examined cloud platforms with a balanced approach, i.e. benefits vs. security risk.

The concept of the cloud is not new, attempts to reduce organisations reliance on IT hardware started with the concept of networking in 1990s to Grid computing systems in 200s. Many term the development of cloud as convergence of networking and Grid computing with the increasing trend towards external outsourcing of IT resources. This convergence has not been sudden rather the development (online music file sharing, online documents, remote access etc) showed a slow migration towards the concept of cloud. Today, the pervasiveness of the Internet bundled with affordable high bandwidth has caused a move back to the original centralised computing model, mainly due to the popularity of cloud computing .

In part 2 of this blog series, I?ll address risk and security challenges associated with migrating data and applications to the cloud and how the RSA Advanced Cyber Defense Services team advises clients on how to develop and implement a holistic Cyber Cloud Strategy.

Azeem Aleem is a Practice Lead for the Advanced Cyber Defense Services Practice ? EMEA. In this capacity Azeem is responsible for overall professional services engagement for Global Incident Response/Discovery (IR/D), breach readiness, remediation, SOC/CIRC redesign and proactive computer network defense. Azeem has made frequent appearance on regional television and radio programs as an expert on cyber threats. He possesses over 10 years of combined experience in developing technical staff and programs in, e-crime investigations, Incident Response, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) defense, Cyber Threat Intelligence, operations and projects.


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