Friday, January 25, 2013

Do Not Go Hiking Or Camping Without This One Thing!

There are new hiking and camping gadgets brought out all of the time with eager sales people trying to convince you that each one is a must have product. There is one item, however, that is rapidly becoming a very useful thing to carry. In fact, it has so many uses and is so small and light it could almost be called the technological Swiss army knife.

So, what is this important, must have thing?
So, what could be so important? I refer, of course, to smartphones. Regardless of whether they are Apple or Android, these devices are revolutionizing hiking and camping trips. Sure a smartphone wont replace your camping gear, like a camping tent...yet, but they are incredibly useful. The key to getting the most use from a smartphone is in the apps you install. Lets take a look at some of the things that the average smartphone will do and how it helps the hiker and the camper save weight and space in their packs.

Reason #1: GPS
The first and most obvious benefit is that most smartphones are also fairly sophisticated GPS devices. Coupled with the amazing Google satellite maps, these can take the place of a map, compass and GPS unit. You can pin point your position within a yard and also use an app to plot your route.

Reason #2: Weather
The weather is an important factor when hiking too and there are many apps that deliver up-to-the-minute weather bulletins direct to your phone. In winter, this could literally be a life-saving app if bad weather is suddenly closing in.

Reason #3: Guidebooks
Many guide books and field guides are now being published in digital format. You could carry a whole virtual library of informative information on your smartphone. For this feature, you would not even need a reliable signal connection as they would be stored on the phones internal memory. Leading on from field guides, there is even an app that will identify bird calls. This means you can be aware of the birdlife around you without actually spotting the bird in order to identify it.

Reason #4...and 5 and 6 and 7 and...
For campers, one thing you often need is a reliable torch or camp lantern. The flashlight app is a great back up should your normal one fail. Then, if you want to know if a snake you found in your tent is poisonous, which berries you can safely eat or how to proceed if you lose all of your food & water, the US Army Survival app is a reassuring addition to your smartphone.

Then, when the fire has died down on a clear night and you are lying down looking up at the stars, you can impress your fellow campers by pointing your smartphone to the sky and an app will map out all of the visible constellations, stars and planets. Oh, and while you do this, you dont need to worry about mosquitoes either. There is an app that produces a sonic repellent ensuring you remain bite-free.

There are dozens of reasons a smartphone has become the must have for hiking and camping today and those reasons are growing as new apps come out with even more interesting features.

About the Author:
Barry Rodgers is an outdoors enthusiast. He has a love of the outdoors lifestyle and has hiked in the USA and many European countries. Currently living in Greece, he is often found hiking and camping in the mountains and on the beaches of southern Crete with his camping gear, a camp lantern, a tent and good friends.


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