Monday, January 28, 2013

Ghost of MLK pays visit to Obama on ?SNL?

As you might expect, the inaugural lip-syncing scandal that's enveloped Beyonc? this week provided plenty of fodder for "Saturday Night Live."

During the cold-opening sketch, President Obama--played by Jay Pharoah--was paid a visit by the ghost of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for a fireside chat on inauguration night.

"Tell me Dr. King, have I lived up to the promise of your legacy?" Pharoah's Obama asked King, portrayed by Kenan Thompson.

"We'll get to that, Barack, we'll get to that," Dr. King replied. "But first thing's first: Did you see that girl Beyonc??"

"Beautiful? Raquel Welch was beautiful," King continued. "Beyonc? is like, daaamn! I had to keep pinching myself--I thought I was having another one of my famous dreams."

The late civil rights leader was not bothered by Beyonc?'s apparent lip-syncing of the national anthem.

"And I care ... why?" he asked. "Hash tag Jay-Z is one lucky man."

President Obama wanted to discuss his presidency with King, but King was more interested in more pressing issues, such as the first lady's recent haircut.

"Speaking of change, what's up with Michelle's bangs?" Dr. King asked the president. "What is she, guest starring on 'The New Girl'?"

"Dr. King, do you have any serious advice for me?" Obama asked.

"Yes I do, yes I do," King replied. "You're doing a good job, Barack. I'm proud of you. But there's still work to do. You're our first black president, but we're still waiting for our first black magician."


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