Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mali Crisis: India can be a force of stability in north Africa provided it partners with a local player

As French President Francois Hollande concludes his two-day visit to India, there is one key foreign policy initiative that New Delhi would do well to seriously consider. The ongoing military intervention in the north-west African nation of Mali has seen French troops push back the advance of Islamist militias in that country. A military coup early last year saw Mali's nomadic Tuareg community in the country's north rise in revolt. This provided the perfect window of opportunity for al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and its affiliates such as Ansar Dine to expand its footprint in the region. Up until the French intervention began in January, Islamist groups controlled almost all of northern Mali, including important towns such as Gao and Timbuktu.

There are several reasons why the situation in Mali is a major concern for the international community. The Sahara and Sahel regions of Africa have historically seen a plethora of fiercely independent tribes and warlords hold sway over large swathes of the desert. However, local and international events over the last decade have led to a dangerous alliance between brigands and hardened jihadis. Thanks to the US military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq, many foreign Islamist fighters have flocked to the region to escape the theatres of war. Further, the Libyan civil war in 2011 saw arms and ammunitions flood the Sahara and Sahel.

All that was required to light the powder keg was the Algerian regime's duplicitous policy of dealing with the armed insurgent groups. The strategy was born in the 1970s when Algeria propped up the Polisario Front militia to wrest control of the Moroccan Sahara by proxy. Similarly, over the years Algeria nurtured other insurgent groups across the Sahara and Sahel to obtain leverage in neighbouring countries. This connection was reaffirmed in northern Mali when evidence of Polisario militants fighting alongside those of the MUJAO - Movement for Uniqueness and Jihad in West Africa - was confirmed by the Malian foreign minister. However, in a classic case of the monster having turned on its master, the attack by Islamists on an Algerian gas plant last month proved that Algiers' influence over the insurgents was fast waning.

How does this concern India? It is not wholly unreasonable to predict that unless the situation in Mali is stabilised, the jihadi flame could completely engulf north Africa. With several countries in the region already sporting Islamist governments in the wake of the Arab Spring, this would lead to a deep radicalisation of Maghribi culture and convert north Africa into a springboard for terrorist attacks into Europe and beyond. India, which has legitimate interests in the region - both in terms of economic investments and security - cannot afford to sit idle.

Given France's history in north Africa, it is here that New Delhi and Paris can cooperate to provide much-needed direction and security to the fledgling democracies of the region. In this regard, it is welcome that India has committed to be a part of the Support and Follow-up Group for Mali and has pledged $100 million for reconstruction projects in that country. President Hollande too has commended India's support towards stabilising Mali and reaffirmed his country's endorsement of a greater geopolitical role for New Delhi. Having said that, if New Delhi truly wants to expand its footprint in north Africa it needs a local partner.???

And this partner can only be Morocco. The latter is the only country in the region that can serve as a force of stability in the Maghreb and, by extension, in the Sahara and Sahel regions. Although devoid of large deposits of oil or natural gas, Morocco is rich in intellectual and cultural capital. In the wake of the Arab Spring movement, its enlightened monarch, King Mohammed VI, speedily enacted a new democratic constitution, devolved wide-ranging powers to the elected parliament and put Morocco firmly on the path to a modern constitutional monarchy analogous to the United Kingdom. Like India, Morocco's economy is based on the sound foundation of free enterprise. Meanwhile, close relations with France and the US provide Morocco with a unique international perspective in the region. In fact, it was under the chairmanship of Morocco that the UN Security Council passed resolution 2085 authorising the deployment of an African-led international support mission in Mali.

Besides, in terms of real engagement with north Africa, China has long stolen a march over India. If the latter wants to catch up, it needs to partner with Morocco in a meaningful fashion. This would mean looking at Morocco as more than just an investment destination and upgrading bilateral ties to strategic level. The ensuing South-South cooperation would be the fulcrum of India's foreign policy initiatives in the region and bolster New Delhi's profile as a geopolitical player.??

Source: http://blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/talkingturkey/entry/mali-crisis-india-can-be-a-force-of-stability-in-north-africa-provided-it-partners-with-a-local-player

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