Monday, December 10, 2012

The Frisby Family: Party On, Garth.

It's been a week of parties here. ?I guess December is always like that.

On Thursday night I hosted a "My Favorite Things" party at my house. ?

Here was the invitation:

I think the party turned out really well. ?People seemed to have a good time. ?I also had everyone bring their favorite holiday treat or appetizer, so preparation was pretty minimal for me, which was nice. ?I made pineapple-orange slush for drinks, and a jalapeno cheesy dip. ?A lot of ladies brought sweets, like cookies, brownies, etc. so we were all totally gorging ourselves on yummy treats all night. ?

Here are a few pre-party photos:

I hung snowflakes over my bar. ?They looked cute, and I think I'll leave them up all winter! :)

My kitchen all clean for the party. :) ?

All the chairs set up around the room. ?I ended up having 20 ladies come so it was a full house!

?The bowls to put their names in for the drawings.

?I made little tags for everyone to write the names of their foods on. ?It was fun to go along and see all the different things people had brought. ?Some people also brought extra recipes for anyone to take home who might want to try it out.

?My little hutch, all decorated and festive. :) ?This and the fireplace are pretty much the only two places I did anything to this year. ?We didn't do a tree because we're going home for Christmas. ?We went to a Christmas tree lot up the road last weekend, thinking maybe we'd get a small one, and I kid you not, there were ones that were no more than two and a half feet tall that they wanted $40--yes, FORTY--dollars for. ?The prices just went up from there. ?So tree for us.

?The drinks all set up. ?I scored that super-cute ice bucket for $5.00 at a flea market a couple months ago. ?It even has four matching Christmas glasses that go with it.

?Part of the "spread." ?More people brought stuff after this.

What I bought for my Favorite Thing was a collection of all the items I have to have in my purse at all times. ?Kleenex, mini-scissors for clipping coupons, wet wipes, baby fingernail clippers--that big handle is so much easier to find in your purse than regular clippers,a nd those baby clippers are sharp!, gloves, and a retractable measuring tape. ?Oh--and you had to stay under $5.00 (so $15.00 total) for your items.

?The next party I had myself elbow-deep in this week was the ward Christmas party. ? I was on the planning committee, but my main task was helping with the decorations. ?My friend Michelle and I headed it up, and it took lots of manpower to make it happen. ?It turned out really great, though, I think.

(There are lights strung all along the ceiling, but they weren't on when I was taking these pictures this morning.)

There were tables in every feasible place, including up on the stage. ?Our church's gym is not very big, and there were SO many people. ?I heard they were expecting over 500. ?It wouldn't surprise me if we had that many. ?By the time Wes and I got our food there was nowhere to sit. ?We had to balance our food on our laps on some chairs lining one of the walls. ?Our ward needs to yesterday.

?I love this picture of Chloe I snapped last night while we were setting up in the gym. ?She's become such a "kid" lately. ?She wandered over and plopped herself down with the older kids to watch a show. ?Pretty soon she was eating their marshmallows.

?Some more pictures of setting up:

?The lights on. ?(Blurry picture on my cell phone last night, but you get the idea.)

We also did a photo booth for all the kids coming to see Santa. ?(Two, actually--one for each foyer.) ?It was a hit I think. ?

Here's Chloe's moment with the Jolly Old Elf. ?I think she may have forgotten to tell him what she wanted for Christmas...


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