Thursday, February 2, 2012

February = Writing For Love & Money Month

Welcome, February!

Have you noticed that the stores are going crazy, over-the-top with the Valentine?s Day stuff?

This photo was taken in my local Fred Meyer yesterday. My jaw dropped when I walked in the sliding doors.

Talk about leveraging love for money. Wow.

I approach the whole love and money scenario a little differently as a writer and writing career coach.

What you love is important. It?s what makes you you. It?s the reason you are not me or anyone else.

I?m more interested in the idea of creating from what you love and turning that into money rather spending money simply because you love. (That will take care of itself, in my experience.)

I was speaking with Phil Sexton, the publisher of Writer?s Digest, at the Writer?s Digest Conference in New York about how the two thoughts connect. If you are reading my new book, The Writer?s Workout, you know that it explores the intersection in depth and encourages writers to make and keep the connection.

I proposed that we launch a short writing contest based on the intersection of the two ideas. More info on that coming soon.

In the meantime, let?s get brainstorming. Love and money?do they connect for you in your writing career?


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