Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why MBA in Finance is Recommended | Foundations of Finance

Accounting and Finance Career Preparation Programs

Completing a degree program in accounting prepares students to step into various careers that involve accounting and finance. Accounting programs are available to students at the associate?s, bachelor?s, master?s, and doctorate?s degree level. Student?s career goals will determine which degree program to complete. Other possible accounting and finance career preparation programs can include:

  • Accounting Technology
  • Corporate Financing
  • Finance and Banking


Corporate finance also awards undergraduate degrees unless students advance their training inside a finance degree program.

To gain the best career options in accounting and finance students should complete graduate degree training. Students study risk management, assurance, financial management, taxation, and much more. Master?s degree programs train students to understand business and taxation. Possible career options for students that have a graduate degree include risk assessors, corporate executives, financial managers, and auditors.

Students that complete a bachelor?s degree program will explore financial reporting, international market, and personal investments.

Accredited accounting and finance degree programs give students several career opportunities.

Accounting and Finance Career Preparation Programs

Accounting or financial managers are the people responsible for overseeing and maintaining the financial strategy and history of a company. The accounting manager is focused more on financial reporting, while the financial manager is focused on strategy and money management. The CFO supervises all accounting and financial operations, as well as administering the company?s general financial policies and strategies. The financial officer may formulate and implement strategies to raise capital, oversee cash management, or manage the company?s capital investment activity.

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Source: http://www.icasm2009.org/why-mba-in-finance-is-recommended

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