Monday, August 6, 2012

Video: A Tale of Two Economies

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Miami Marlins silenced by Washington Nationals? Strasburg in loss

Never mind that it has been 67 long years since baseball fans in the nation?s capital have experienced the thrill of a pennant race this late in the season.

The first-place Nationals are telling everyone that, no matter what, they intend to shut down the ace of their pitching staff, Stephen Strasburg, in order to preserve him for the future.

They won?t receive any argument from the Marlins, who will be more than happy to see Strasburg, who is two years removed from Tommy John surgery, out of the way and out of their hair. For the third time this season, Strasburg held the Marlins without a run as the Nationals prevailed 4-1 on Sunday.

?Fine with me,? catcher John Buck said with a wry grin. ?I think it?s a great idea. I think it?s absolutely the right thing to do. Why would you want to risk your franchise player like that??

The Marlins may or may not see Strasburg again this season. Speculation is that Washington will bring the pitcher?s season to an end in early September, and the Marlins have only two more meetings with Washington: a two-game set in late August and a three-game series at Nationals Park on Sept. 7-9.

Then again, if the Nationals decide to have Strasburg go out on a winning note, the Marlins might be just the team to have him face in his season swan song. After all, the Marlins haven?t touched him this season.

Stingy outings

Strasburg went six innings Sunday, holding the Marlins scoreless while allowing only three hits and a walk. In his three outings totaling 18 innings against the Marlins this season, Strasburg has yielded only 13 hits without allowing a run.

?He?s got several ways to get you out,? said Buck, who struck out in both of his at-bats against the 24-year-old ace. ?Everything looks so fluid and easy. The fastball?s sneaky. The curveball is real sharp. Now he?s decided to throw a changeup in the mix. It?s pretty nasty, as well.?

Then again, the present Marlins lineup can make any pitcher look good.

The three members of the Marlins? opening night outfield are all on the disabled list and three of the team?s four starting infielders from then have been traded. Buck and shortstop Jose Reyes, who extended his hitting streak on Sunday to a career-high 24 games, are the only players on the Marlins? active roster who were in the Opening Day lineup.

Reyes? fourth-inning single to center was one of the three hits allowed by Strasburg, but it kept his streak alive ? the longest hitting streak in the majors this season.

The other two hits belonged to Scott Cousins. Otherwise, the rest of the lineup looked helpless as Strasburg struck out six before turning the ball over to the Nationals bullpen in the seventh, which was when the Marlins got on the board with a run off reliever Craig Stammen on back-to-back doubles by Carlos Lee and Greg Dobbs.

By then, however, it was too late.

Ricky Nolasco gave up four runs in the second, with Strasburg driving in the first two with a one-out single and Adam LaRoche taking care of the other two with his two-out single.

?They had me on the ropes there early,? Nolasco said. ?I was just trying to hang on and survive and give my team a chance. I made a mistake on [LaRoche] with two outs, just when I thought I was going to catch a break and get out of the inning.?

Temper tantrum

Nolasco struck out rookie Bryce Harper in the fourth, prompting Harper to slap his bat down near home plate and causing it to break in half. The barrel could have struck either Buck or home plate umpire Fieldin Culbreth had it bounced the wrong way.

Buck said Harper, 19, apologized to him his next at bat.

?He said he was really sorry, that it was terrible,? Buck said. ?I said, ?Don?t worry about it, kid. I did the same thing. But when I was your age, it was a metal bat and I was in high school.? It?s a learning experience for him. I bet you he won?t do it anymore.?


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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Music Is Necessary For Development Of Your Kid | welcome to ...

I never heard someone saying? I wish I hadn?t learned to play the guitar?. I am a guitar teacher. Whenever I introduce myself to anyone as a guitar teacher, the first response I get is, ?I wish I have learned guitar?, ?I wish my grandma forced me to learn lessons of guitar so that I can play songs for my girlfriend? etc. I really admire parents who force their kids to learn guitar or any other musical instrument in their childhood and adolescent years.

People should know that they can invest (which is also known as ?investir? in French) in music lessons for their kids. There are various reasons for investing in music. Learning music instruments can help in development of kid?s intelligence and character.

Music lessons can enhance the brain development of your children. Many researches have been conducted to ensure the results of music on kid?s development. The result of various researches indicate that children who learn music instrument for more than two years show greater improvement in reasoning skills which is important in learning mathematics and science. Students can choose the type of music they want to learn. There are various types of music such as pop, country, traditional, classic etc. In short, I can say that music lessons have a potential to develop self-discipline in your kids.


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The Unspoken Rules That Run Your Relationship |

Post image for The Unspoken Rules That Run Your Relationship

By: Richard Nicastro

No matter how we might resist them at times, we can?t deny the presence of rules in society. From traffic lights to ticket sales, rules help us avoid chaos and establish routines that allow us to cope as a society. But beyond the macrocosm, rules are an important presence in the microcosm of your relationship?even when they?re unspoken or seemingly invisible.

Your Relationship Rules

Your relationship rules influence how you and your partner relate to one another: how emotions are expressed, the way in which needs are communicated, how family and friends are dealt with and how intimacy is expressed.

Ideally, you and your partner will openly communicate and negotiate the different rules that are important to each of you. But this isn?t always the case: Couples are often guided by powerful rules that remain?unspoken. Because you learned many of these rules as a child, you may not even be aware of the impact of your relationship rules.

There may be times when your relationship proceeds smoothly under the influence of the unspoken rules that guide you and your partner?this is usually the case when your rules do not conflict with your partner?s rules. But when these rules remain unspoken, your relationship or marriage becomes a game of chance. Becoming?mindful of these hidden, powerful rules will increase the control you and your partner have in strengthening your relationship.

Unspoken Intimacy Rules:

Emotional intimacy (as well as physical intimacy) is one of the most important areas of your relationship that is influenced by unspoken rules.

There are as many ways to create an intimate, emotional connection as there are people. Intimacy is a very personal experience?what can feel like a meaningful connection to you might feel very different to your partner. Ideally, you and your partner are compatible in your need for and expression of intimacy. When major incompatibilities exist, it will be essential for you and your partner to accept the different paths you each travel to achieve intimacy.

Your unspoken intimacy rules influence:

1. Whether emotional closeness will be central or peripheral in your relationship.

2. The methods you use to achieve emotional and physical intimacy.

3. The level of emotional vulnerability that will be allowed in your relationship.

4. How much together-time you and your partner share.

5. How much alone-time you?ll each need.

A brief example of intimacy rules at work:

Aaron grew up in a family where it was obvious what everyone was feeling. His parents and sister openly expressed themselves, whether this involved celebrating the good or talking about the painful. If you had a feeling in Aaron?s family, it was expected that you would communicate whatever you were feeling.

Aaron?s childhood relationships created an important rule that governs Aaron?s behavior in his marriage:

Sharing feelings = emotional intimacy

His wife Shontae learned a different set of rules in her family. As a child she often had to care for her ill father. She described him as depressed and, at times, explosive. For Shontae, it felt dangerous to share her feelings?Shontae and her mother often bottled up their emotions. But Shontae did learn to feel connected in her family. A deep emotional connection grew between her and her father as Shontae took on the role of caregiver. She felt loved and appreciated whenever she cared for her ailing father, who was able to show gratitude toward his daughter for the first time in their relationship.

Shontae?s childhood relationships created an important rule that governs Shontae?s behavior in her marriage:

Caring for others = emotional intimacy

As you can imagine, the different unspoken intimacy rules that influence Aaron and Shontae led to some challenging times in their marriage. They both yearned for emotional connection but were incompatible in how to achieve this desired level of intimacy. Becoming aware of their own and each other?s unspoken rules was an important step in creating a more harmonious, intimate relationship.

So the challenge for you is to become mindful of the rules you?ve learned along the way to adulthood and are now applying to your intimate relationship. Talking with your partner about the different ways you each achieve intimacy will help unearth the unspoken rules that guide both of you. This level of understanding can bring you closer to each other today and help you avoid major pitfalls tomorrow.

To discover other ways to create a deeper, more intimate relationship visit? and sign up for Dr. Nicastro?s free Relationship Toolbox Newsletter.

As a bonus, you will receive the popular free reports: ?The four mindsets that can topple your relationship? and ?Relationship self-defense: Control the way you argue?before your arguments control you.?

Richard Nicastro, Ph.D. is a psychologist and relationship coach who is passionate about helping couples protect the sanctuary of their relationship. Rich and his wife Lucia founded LifeTalk Coaching, an internet-based coaching business that helps couples strengthen their relationships.


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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Please help!! - Forums

Well, from what I read, it looks like you did not give a child dinner. You can't use food as a discipline tool with a foster child.

It also says that there were pool issues...they are very strict on this. I dont know what they are, but just violating those alone is a reason to revoke your license. If it is your pool, then they have to pull your license until you correct the issues. They don't have a choice.

I am presuming Zachariah is your husband. If he is questioning why he has to follow the procedures the company requires, then that is a reason for the agency to refuse to license you. Not that you can't be, just not with that agency.

Finally, it looks like they can't verify that the child was seen by the doctor. MRSA is a very risky health and safety issue. If the child had it and you sent them saying it wasn't, you put others at risk. It looks like they couldn't prove that you did see the doctor.

For the first 3, I can't help you at all on other than recommend you fix the pool. But for the last one, if you can get a copy of the doctor visit notes to prove you went and he said it wasn't MRSA and you should be cleared on that one. The Doctor may have refused to give records due to HIPPA laws, so they can't prove you were there.

Honestly, if you are with a private agency there is nothing you can do except go to a new one and see if you can be licensed. If you are with the state and they revoked it, then there is nothing you can really do except appeal.

It sounds like a lot of things built up, and the agency tried to work with you on each of them. You will have to clear it with them. Sorry.

Licensed Foster to Adopt 11/2010
Adopted our children 06/2012

Mom to:

7 yr DD
5 yr old AS, Munchkin
3 yr old AD, Itty Bit
3 yr old AD, Little Bit
1 yr old AS, Squirt

Never forgotten...the many children who have been through our home and moved on!


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